Our customized, automated functional test solutions reduce costs, increased yield, improve quality, and enable scalable manufacturing. Find out how.



Founded in 1993, we have extensive experience in providing solutions to complete mixed signal projects. Specializing in functional test automation, we provide hardware and software services that enhance your productivity. We provide full service capabilities from in-house programming support to custom fixtures to complete turnkey test stations. Our solutions allow you to simplify and reduce the cost of your test process. Situated in California’s Silicon Valley, our location allows us to better service you.

Electronics & Med-Tech


For a manufacturer who produces hundreds or thousands of complex electronics across product lines, improving yields is a significant opportunity to reduce costs. Unfortunately, the existing test data seldom supports such initiatives, and the “Do It Yourself” test fixtures are often inaccurate or inoperable. Our low-maintenance solutions provide the data needed for all stakeholders (such as contract manufacturers) to improve processes, identify component issues, and improve yields.



High Growth


A critical constraint to growth is the scalability of manufacturing to meet demand. “Do It Yourself” test systems consume large amounts of engineering time and destroy yields as production ramps up. We solve this problem by providing reliable, low maintenance solutions that provide repeatable, accurate results…without consuming precious engineering resources





Military / Aerospace companies are often challenged with long product lifecycles and a complex manufacturing ecosystem involving multiple locations and companies. They need a flexible test solution that can adjust easily to component obsolescence and product changes, and can be deployed at multiple locations without compromising accuracy and repeatability.



Areas of Expertise

Reliability Test Equipment for POS, HALT, HASS, ESS, Burn-In

Larson Automation routinely leverages its platform to build equipment for reliability testing such as POS, HALT, HASS, ESS, and Burn-In. Our platform is compatible with both ovens and vibration plates.


Radio Frequency (RF), Microwave, and Bluetooth, Internet Of Things (IOT)

Our engineering team has deep expertise in RF, Microwave, and Bluetooth technologies, with over 40 years experience in RF and Microwave.

Medical Devices

Our customizable solutions are a valued part of the Quality System for our medical device customers. In addition to efficient, reliable, and repeatable results, our Data Analyze Software Pack provides data to identify issues and solve problems quickly, whether production is in-house or by a contract manufacturer.