
Military / Aerospace companies are often challenged with long product lifecycles and a complex manufacturing ecosystem involving multiple locations and companies. Particularly when a product is several years into its lifecycle, it can be challenging to determine if repaired/retrofitted product is operating according to specifications.

Larson Automation’s flexible test solution that can adjust to component obsolescence and product changes, and can be deployed at multiple locations without compromising accuracy or repeatability. Once we have designed a specific test solution, Larson Automation can build additional test stations as needed to support expansion of product lines, additional manufacturing facilities, and contract manufacturers.

The heart of Larson’s capabilities lies in our proprietary platform. The platform is highly configurable and is comprised of hardware and software.

The platform provides:

  • An intuitive, comfortable interface for the user
  • The ability to “drill down” to the specific test segment at a specific location
  • Reduction of errors by automation of complex tests
  • Improved efficiency by automation of simple, tedious tests that waste time
  • Removal of measurement errors by storing calibrations digitally
  • Customized reports for various stakeholders such as Quality

To learn more, read our Case Studies.